Ishak Sedić

Allahova milost

Uzvišeni Allah je stvorio i uredio ovaj svijet. Njegovom voljom i odredbom postoje i egzistiraju generacije ljudi i naroda, kao i drugih bića i svjetova. Allahovom milošću i dobrotom svi imaju nafaku i uslove za život. Allah, dž.š., je Sebi odredio da prema svima njima bude milostiv. Najveća milost ljudima, obdarenim razumom, je vjera, Uputa i slanje poslanika. Na taj način su ljudi spoznali svrhu života i način življenja i ponašanja kako bi postigli sreću i spas na oba svijeta. Jedan od način postizanja željenih ciljeva je da i ljudi budu samilosni, kako bi zaslužili Allahovu milost.


Ishak Sedic

Allah's Mercy

Allah the Almighty has created and designed this world. By His will and provision generations of people and nations as well as other creatures and worlds exist. Out of Allah's mercy and goodness, all of them are provided with maintenance and living conditions. He took upon Himself to be gracious to all of them. The greatest grace to the people endowed with reason is faith, revelation and sending of His messengers to them. In this way, people got to know the purpose of life and a way of living and behaving in order to achieve happiness and salvation in both worlds. One way of achieving the desired goals is that people, too, are compassionate in order to earn the mercy of Allah.


Ilham Puce

Islamski stav o plastičnim operacijama i uljepšavanju

U ovom radu se govori o plastičnim operacijama kao savremenom obliku uljepšavanja ljudskog tijela. Pominju se vrste plastičnih operacija i razmatra se njihova dozvoljenost i opravdanost, te stav islama u vezi sa ovim pojavama. Brojni su primjeri prekomjernih estetskih zahvata koji imaju za cilj „uljepšavanje“ čovjeka, a koji pogubno djeluju na ljudsko tijelo i često završavaju neuspješno. Potrebno je više pažnje i poštovanja posvetiti ljudskom tijelu koje je Uzvišeni Stvoritelj oblikovao u najljepšem obliku.


Ilham Puce

Islamic Stance on Plastic Surgery and Beautification

This paper talks about plastic surgery as a modern form of beautification of the human body. It mentions types of plastic surgeries and discusses their permissibility and justification as well as the attitude of Islam in relation to these phenomena. There are numerous examples of excessive cosmetic surgery aimed at "beautification" of man, which have a disastrous effect on the human body and often end in failure. It is necessary to pay more attention and respect to the human body that the Supreme Creator fashioned in the best form.


Sumedin Kobilica

Mevdudijev odnos prema sunnetu


El-Mevdudi je istaknuta figura islamske misli 20. stoljeća. Pisao je o mnogim temama islama. Vrlo je zanimljiv njegov stav o Poslanikovom, a.s., sunnetu, zbog čega je često bio izlagan napadima. U ovom radu fokus je stavljen upravo na to njegovo razumijevanje sunneta, koje je i njega samoga odvodilo u kontroverze.

Ključne riječi: Mevdudi, sunnet, kritika, ljudske slabosti, hadisi.


Sumedin Kobilica

Mawdudi’s Attitude towards the Sunnah


Al-Mawdudi was a prominent figure in Islamic thought of the 20th century. He wrote on many topics of Islam. His position on the Prophet's Sunnah, which has often been exposed to attacks, is very interesting. In this paper, the focus is placed right on that understanding of his of the Sunnah, which used to lead even himself into controversies.

Keywords: Mawdudi, Sunnah, criticism, human weakness, hadiths.


Dr. Mustafa Hasani

Mehanizmi alternativnog rješavanje sporova u šerijatskom pravu

Mirno rješavanje sporova jeste princip kojeg islam snažno zagovara u izgradnji kvaltetnijih društvenih odnosa. Kur’an posvećuje posebno pažnju uređenju međuljudskih odnosa te prava i obaveza članova porodice, jer se radi u važnoj društvenoj instituciji i zato jer su odgovornosti u njoj lične i uključuju svakog pojedinca. Islamsko pravo poznaje različite mehanizme vansudskog rješavanje sporova: pregovaranje, medijaciju i arbitražu. Na tom tragu, muslimani na Zapadu, kao što je to slučaj i sa pripadnicima drugih vjerskih zajednica i crkava, organizirali su brojna vijeća, sudove, institucije za arbitražu i medijaciju koji pomažu u vansudskom rješavanju sporova. Neke od tih institucija uživaju podršku domaćih zakonodavnih i državnih organa.  Stoga bi  bilo dobro da i naši državni organi prepoznaju potrebu i mogućnosti uključivanja vjerskih zajednica i crkava u BiH u procese medijacije i arbitraže. Prije toga bi Islamska zajednica trebala da sistemski uredi ovaj segment aktivnosti imama koji to rade u svojim džematima.


Dr. Mustafa Hasani

The Mechanisms of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Shariah Law

Peaceful settlement of disputes is the principle that Islam strongly advocates in building better social relations. The Quran devotes particular attention to the regulation of interpersonal relationships and the rights and obligations of family members, because it is an important social institution and because the responsibilities within it are personal and include each individual. Islamic law recognizes different mechanisms of extra-judicial settlement of disputes: negotiation, mediation, and arbitration. In the wake of that, Muslims in the West, as is the case with members of other religious communities and churches, organized a number of councils, courts and institutions for arbitration and mediation to help the extra-judicial settlement of disputes. Some of these institutions enjoy the support of local and government legislative bodies. Therefore, it would be good if our state authorities recognize the need and the possibility of including religious communities and churches in Bosnia-Herzegovina in the process of mediation and arbitration. Prior to that, the Islamic community should systematically regulate this segment of the activities of imams who perform this kind of work in their jamats/congregations.


Nusret Kujraković

Uključenje vakufskih zgrada u Gradačcu u Gradsku stambenu zajednicu 1954. godine


U ovom radu obrađuje se pitanje uključenja vakufskih stambenih i poslovnih zgrada u Gradačcu u Gradsku stambenu zajednicu 1954. godine na osnovu Uredbe o upravljanju stambenim zgradama iz 1954. godine. Dat je prikaz zakonskih osnova i pregled vakufskih zgrada koje je obuhvatilo uključenje. U Stambenu zajednicu u Gradačcu uključeno je četrnaest vakufskih zgrada koje su pripadale Ujedinjenom vakufu. Prihodi od stanarine/zakupnine podijeljeni su tako da je 80% sredstava namijenjeno u gradski stambeni fond, a samo 20% dato je Ujedinjenom vakufu u Gradačcu. Ovim su načinjeni veliki finansijski gubici Ujedinjenom vakufu, odnosno Vakufskom povjerenstvu u Gradačcu.


Nusret Kujrakovic

The Inclusion of the Waqf Buildings in Gradacac in the Urban Residential Community in 1954

In this paper we address the issue of inclusion of waqf residential and business buildings in Gradacac in the Urban Residential Community in 1954 on the basis of the Regulation on the management of residential buildings from 1954. It was presented an overview of the legal grounds and a list of waqf buildings which were covered by the Inclusion. The fourteen waqf buildings that belonged to the United Waqf were included in the Residential Community in Gradacac. The income from rent/lease was divided in a way that 80% of income was intended for the Urban Housing Fond, and only 20% was given to the United Waqf in Gradacac. This caused the United Waqf and the Waqf Commission in Gradacac a large financial losses.